New Leaf Language provides bilingual ASL/English education, therapy, and consultation in order to address and prevent language deprivation trauma and build a more accessible world.

Watch our gratitude message in ASL here!

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What People Are Saying

Rhys is one of the most dynamic teachers I’ve ever met!
— Patricia McCormick, journalist and author
Even though I had taken a college level ASL course before, I learned SO much from these beginner 1 & 2 courses!
— Kit, an adult ASL student
I am so excited you were able to come and present to the class. Your presentation was wonderfully informative and I so appreciate you giving us some allyship suggestions.
— Vicky Bouche, university professor
I wish it was Sunday so I could see Rhys!
— Janet, a young client working on articulation
Rhys really understands American Sign Language inside out; he can explain how it should feel, summarize guidelines, and provides specific feedback. He noticed things ​in my signing to adjust that other tutors haven’t.
— an ASL tutoring student
The students LOVED your visit and are begging for you to come back again!
— Sylvia, a 3rd grade classroom teacher
I like working with you! You make learning fun.
— Bella, a middle school student
I enjoyed this session so much, and feel like I have new tools to use in my work.
— Mark, a workshop participant
Tutoring helped me close the gaps in specific skills I knew I struggled with, and also helped me understand skills I didn’t realize I was missing!
— Charlie, an ASL tutoring student
Thank you for understanding me.
— a Deaf disabled high school student