Strengthening professional and educational teams to benefit deaf and hard of hearing children, adults, and communities.

Professional Development

Professional development workshops and coaching sessions are tailored to the needs of the requesting organization. Sample titles include:

Creating And Implementing Access In The Workplace

Relationship-Building In Remote Education

Executive Function: What It Is And Why It Matters

Swimming Upstream: Maximizing Opportunity for DHH Students in the Mainstream

​I offer professional development in English or ASL. If you have a topic in mind or would like to explore options, please get in touch!

Speech and Language Consultation Services

For schools districts with diverse student populations, securing speech and language services that meet the needs of singleton deaf and hard of hearing students can be a challenge.

Even within dedicated deaf educational programs and schools, students with complex profiles can present unique challenges for assessment and therapy providers.

I work with educational teams to ensure deaf and hard of hearing students receive the environmental, therapeutic, and assessment services they need to thrive.